There are Days that are turning-points or Red Letter Days in individual lives, and for each life to meditate upon and list such may be profitable. Then there are Red Letter Days in the careers of various Nations,--that differ in different Nations, that may be observed profitably nationally. But with none of either class are we here concerned. We are concerned with DAYS THAT EACH MARK A GREAT, ETERNAL CONTACT OF JEHOVAH GOD WITH ALL MANKIND.
I know this is a thing that most people have not thought of. But please get it here and now: There are Days that memorialize great, eternal contacts between the everlasting and only God with all humanity. This is the Key to These Days that are Divinely required of all men everywhere!
There is nothing purely racial about them, as presently we shall so clearly see. Oh, what an inrush or Understanding and appreciation comes in when we see this one Fact!
As now we turn to the topic of WHAT AND HOW, we shall point out the Universal Contact memorialized--that is wholly independent of any one race, blood, or language. There is universal significance to all men everywhere.
This day is not a thing Jewish or racial, nor yet dispensational. It memorializes Jehovah God as CREATOR not of the Jewish earth but of the whole human race, our entire earth, and everything that is upon or within it!
Where do we get such? From the very beginning of the Word of God as recorded in Genesis chapter 1 through the first three verses of chapter 2. Later Jehovah God Himself describes the day to Moses in Exodus 20. "On six days shall work be done: but on the seventh day is a solemn rest and a holy convocation." . . . "Remember the Sabbath . . . UNTO JEHOVAH . . . FOR" (and now comes the Reason Why) "in six days Jehovah made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is, and rested the 7th-day: WHEREFORE" (the reason pointed out again) "Jehovah" (not Moses or the Jews or any race but "Jehovah") "blessed the Sabbath Day, and hallowed it"! Thus indisputably the one sole basis for the 7th-day Sabbath is to memorialize JEHOVAH GOD AS CREATOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH AND OF ALL MANKIND!
Oh, how this is needed today! The human race has greatly multiplied and grown wise and extremely skillful,--as God intended. But it has forgotten its origin! Today, multitudes teach that we came from the amoeba by way of the monkey. They do not know that "IN THE BEGINNING, GOD!"