There are Days that are turning-points or Red Letter Days in individual lives, and for each life to meditate upon and list such may be profitable. Then there are Red Letter Days in the careers of various Nations,--that differ in different Nations, that may be observed profitably nationally. But with none of either class are we here concerned. We are concerned with DAYS THAT EACH MARK A GREAT, ETERNAL CONTACT OF JEHOVAH GOD WITH ALL MANKIND.
I know this is a thing that most people have not thought of. But please get it here and now: There are Days that memorialize great, eternal contacts between the everlasting and only God with all humanity. This is the Key to These Days that are Divinely required of all men everywhere!
There is nothing purely racial about them, as presently we shall so clearly see. Oh, what an inrush or Understanding and appreciation comes in when we see this one Fact!
As now we turn to the topic of WHAT AND HOW, we shall point out the Universal Contact memorialized--that is wholly independent of any one race, blood, or language. There is universal significance to all men everywhere.
Abib 17th. "On the day after the Sabbath" reads the text. How often we find those who observe first-day sacredness will quote this passage as a prophecy that the Sabbath would be changed to "the day after the Sabbath"! Now NOT 7th-day Sabbath is under consideration, so this text would by no means thereby indicate a first-day of the week. The first Sabbath in the week of Unleavened Bread, the first Passover Sabbath, is the only Sabbath that is being discussed, and it always comes on Abib 15th. There is no reference to the weekly 7th-day Sabbath whatever,--search the actual passage as critically as one chooses. Only the first Unleavened Sabbath is under consideration, and so the date indicated is ON THE DAY AFTER IT!
On it, a sample of first fruits of the grain was to be brought and offered up. As to literality, this date would differ greatly in the different climates. In the northern hemisphere while it is summer, it is winter in the southern hemisphere. BUT THE SIGNIFICANCE IS IN THE IDEA OF PRESENTATION OF FIRST FRUITS.
Now "First Fruits" come always before the great, general, universal Harvest comes, by some weeks or even by some months. And so at end of the Age (which Jesus said is "The Harvest"), there will be literal translation of First Fruits unto God some bit before the bringing on of all the Redeemed on the earth.