There are Days that are turning-points or Red Letter Days in individual lives, and for each life to meditate upon and list such may be profitable. Then there are Red Letter Days in the careers of various Nations,--that differ in different Nations, that may be observed profitably nationally. But with none of either class are we here concerned. We are concerned with DAYS THAT EACH MARK A GREAT, ETERNAL CONTACT OF JEHOVAH GOD WITH ALL MANKIND.
I know this is a thing that most people have not thought of. But please get it here and now: There are Days that memorialize great, eternal contacts between the everlasting and only God with all humanity. This is the Key to These Days that are Divinely required of all men everywhere!
There is nothing purely racial about them, as presently we shall so clearly see. Oh, what an inrush or Understanding and appreciation comes in when we see this one Fact!
As now we turn to the topic of WHAT AND HOW, we shall point out the Universal Contact memorialized--that is wholly independent of any one race, blood, or language. There is universal significance to all men everywhere.
This set appointment begins on Abib 15th, and runs for seven full days, the first and the last days of which are Divinely specified as Sabbaths in the Word. Thus immediately after Passover, a world Sabbath begins.
It was because of the coming of this Sabbath that Jesus' disciples had to hurry (as John indicates, John 19:42), to get His corpse off the cross and buried before this Sabbath began. And according to the Scriptures (Luke 23:44-46) He did not die until 3:00p.m. on Passover day, Abib 14th, so it was but a few hours until sunset would usher in the first Unleavened Sabbath, Abib 15th. John right out says this is why His burial was in a tomb nearby in the Garden at hand.
Then the last of these seven days of Unleavened Bread is a Sabbath, the 2nd Unleavened Sabbath; or, as Passover Day comes first and then straightway these seven special days come, the first and last of which are Divinely labeled Sabbaths,--it is not improper to call them the first and second Passover Sabbaths,--though Passover Day itself is not a Sabbath and yet should be remembered as we saw previously.