What happens, according to the Divine Word, in "the Last Day", or at "the Time of the End".
If the Bible says any certain thing happens or obtains during the Time of the End or at the Last Day,--such may not begin as quickly as such period starts,--but it will be well under way, or suddenly come, by the finish of such period. Our Days positively! Here are some of the things that I find Biblically catalogued for our time!
1--God's_Spirit_Outpoured. "It shall come to pass in the LAST DAYS that I will POUR OUT",--you will pour out what, Lord?--"MY Spirit upon ALL FLESH!" This means upon folks of every nation and race. Mark Acts 2:17. Now this does NOT mean such does not come until end of the last decade of such period,--but it means such will be happening by then at least, if not already come! This means positively living today when we do, believe it or not, receive it or not,--the great outpour of GOD'S Holy Spirit is already come!
I turned to the Greek New Testament just now to see what Greek words Divine Inspiration used for this term here. I found it "eschatais haamerais". Now the last word simply means "days". I then turned to the Greek lexicon to find exactly the Greek meaning of the modifying adjective, "eschatais". I found it simply given: The Remotest Possible!
Thus this passage in the New Testament really is, "I will pour out MY Spirit upon all flesh in the remotest possible days of the Age!" Certainly NOW, if we can discern, God's outpour of HIS Spirit is already come! We are not in its beginning, nor in its middle, nor in its latter part, but we are in its remotest possible part! Biblically OUR NOW is marked for the Time when the outpour of God's Spirit has GOT to be here! Have we recognized it? Have we received? …
2--Mockers with Mockery. New Testament says, "Knowing this",--knowing what?--"that in the Last Days, mockers shall come with mockery!"
I know not how that term strikes you, but to me it sounds strange! "Mockers with Mockery!" It is like saying, "icemen with ice", "milkmen with milk", and such like. Of course "mockers" will "mock" as certainly as runners will run and workers will work.
Why the repetition except the meaning is a superabundance thereof? It means the mocking of Holy things will be SUPREME in the closing moments of this Age!