
A Sabbath and Torah Observant Fellowship

Blessings of our Savior upon all who enter here.  We welcome all who wish to know Him more intimately.

The Almighty is gathering His elect unto Himself from every area of the world.  He is crossing denominational lines to draw His own to their first century origins.

The Almighty (whose Name is
YahVeh) has always maintained a remnant flock through the ages, guided by His Holy Spirit.

John Quincy Adams was an undershepherd who followed the leading of the Holy Spirit (called Ruach ha Kadosh) to a fuller understanding of our great Almighty and Savior,
YahShua Messiah.  He left a prestigious pastorate in Dallas, Texas, and also a position as the Regional Education director over three states for a prominent denomination in order to follow the calling of The Almighty.

Adams' personally spread the gospel across the Midwest and northward into Canada, and his writings and studies have traversed the globe.  As his writings began before modern understandings of The Name his writings are of 'Jesus'.

"And YahShua called to Him a little child, and set him in the midst of them, and said, 'Verily I say unto you, Except ye turn, and
become as
little children, ye shall in no wise enter into the
kingdom of heaven.'"

Matthew 18:2-3


Who We Are
  |  Writings of J.Q. Adams  |  What's New  |  Event Calendar


P. O. Box 1147

Pocahontas, Arkansas 72455